Monday, January 24, 2011

The Gold System

This is the way we've set up our Minecraft economy: 1 gold bar will buy __ amount of an item.

Listed below are items that can be purchased with gold:

Iron 9
Cobblestone 128
Smoothstone 64
Sand 64
Sandstone 16
Glass 32
Dirt 192
Log 32
Planks 128
Gravel 128
Coal 32
Lapus Lazuli 16
Lapus Lazuli Block 2
Animal Drop 64
Halfstone 128
Bricks 1
Diamond 2
M. Cobble 16
Obsidian 4
Redstone 64
Pumpkin 1
Tree Sapling 64
Flowers 32
Mushroom 16
Cacti 32
Sugarcane 32
General Seed 32
Wheat 8

Everything else is craftable, which the price is based on a sum of it's parts.

The First National Bank of Tony is now open for business. It can be located through the East gate of the spawn point right next to the Merchant Trade Post.

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