Thursday, April 14, 2011

Server down until tomorrow

I'm turning the server off until tomorrow when Tom can fix things. The server IP has not changed! I'm pretty sure everyone is getting the "time out" error because it's still 1.4 and not 1.4_01.

Just grizzly bear with it until we get things back to normal. :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fools in April

What started off as a harmless prank ended with the ultimate destruction of our entire world.

Picture of the world after the massacre.

Nothing was spared.

Good thing we had plenty of back ups! :) Aaanddd just to add salt into everyone's already hurting butt wounds some of our users decided it would be a good idea to post our server IP on the Minecraft forums.

We have now added a whitelist (at least until the post is deleted) so if you want to be apart of the Real Housewives world you'll need to contact me to be added.

In other news, because of personal issues the server isn't going to be running 24/7. We will discuss the problem in Skype and I'll make another post once we decide on designated server down time.

ONE MORE THING! The server is updated for 1.4 so enjoy the wolves!! :D

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Server is DOWN

The server will be down until tomorrow morning. Please read Skype for further details.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Map for today and new server ip

Also please check the skype chat because the IP address has changed. (Adam and I use "localhost" so if there are any problems PLEASE let me or him know!)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Server up

Sooo something is wrong with the internet in my house. I think there was a power surge today while I wasn't home. Please BEAR with me while me and Adam try to figure this out.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Little Karnak Announces The Little Arena!

Recent constructions have been done in The Hills of Amenti, One of which is the limited access spanned bridge between the Hills, and the capital city. The access way is mostly for government officials, important societal figures, and ambassadors. In the future there will be "monitored" public use.

But the true new marvel is the unveiling of "The People's Power Pyramid!". What is it? A small arena for serious enthusiasts to watch people two fighters bare knuckle brawl. No weapons, No mercy, a sport of kings fought the way our people have fought for years.
Future plans include a worldwide tournament to see who is the last man standing.

Coming soon, Border control post #2, and the beginnings of the wall side district, which will be known as Seth's Den. A great many homes for the glorious workers!

Today's map

Saturday, February 26, 2011

New maps wooo


We installed a new version of Cartographer today that now renders sandstone and lapis wooo

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sag Hallo!

Welcome to The Republic of Külmeria!

Main Entrance at West Gate

Külmeria (as the city is known by it's residents) is the second incorporated city in our great land. We boast a Monster Free Zone within the walls of our great city, meaning all residents and visitors are safe at any time of the day! Within our borders we are proud to announce we have a Courthouse/Prison, Library, Obsidiacobble (R) Forge, Hotel, Harbor and Weapon's supply store currently open to anyone in town. Currently under construction is our Brewery, Seconday Customs building, City Hall, and an Extension of the First National Bank of Tony!

Külmerian Courthouse and Prison

Although visitation into Külmeria is currently limited to no one, all perspective immigrants are still required to file an Intent to Immigrate form (CF-102) to be filed at the West Gate Customs Building on the West side of town. It is still required until the completion of our second Customs building that all visitors enter through the West Gate Customs Building.

Auf Wiedersehen Leute! We hope to see you soon.

Translated by the office for international affairs, Courthouse of Külmeria.

Monster Weenie Weekdays

Monsters will be on from today until Friday morning.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Server Status: Good


Little Karnak is Born!

The vote is in, although not all the votes were written in the comment section of the previous post. The people have spoken, and thus the great red pyramid nation is born! Say hello to the glorious republic of Little Karnak. A mishmash of soviet Russian communism and Egyptian polytheism. The workers unite to build the pyramids! Power to the proletariat!

The Great nation of Little Karnak would also like to christen both the completion of "The Sobek Dam/Border" as well as the completion of the Skyway from Karnak to Tony's region with which our great nation has extended the olive branch of friendship and regular trade with his kingship.

The people the cry for housing, so our next order of businesses in the motherland is to create budgeted housing for the working class proletariat, and then onward to the creation of a great sphinx!

Cactus and Sugar cane are still available to trade, and now that we have an active trade route it can be easy to transport. Sand is still an acceptable and preferred trade item.

Da-svi-da-niya Comrades, and Aten shine upon our gloroius nation!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Greetings from...

Uploaded with

The Dam is nearly finished in my region, and a forge has just been built to aid in it's completion. It will act as the official road into the area, and upon completion will be the only approved route into my region. If you cross the ice, you will be beaten with sticks. Sorry, it's in the charter. In other news, we don't have a name for our great state, so I'm leaving that to my fellow nations to help me. It's down to three.

Little Karnak
New Cairo
New Amarna

I'll Tally the score, and finally plant a sign down at the Dam immigration office.

Server Status: Awesome

New map also tonight at 9:30 we're having some gladiator events in the stadium :D

More new business: Mondays are now "Monster Weiney Mondays" and some of our server regulars aka the housewives are now contributors to the blog.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Stadium

The Stadium is a place created for the public and will feature a variety of events such as 1v1 fights, monster fights, free for alls, boat battles, and boat races.

Here is an inside view of the stadium.

Also, monsters were turned off last night for construction of the stadium. Now is a good time to get online before I turn them back on. XD

Monday, January 31, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011

Server Status: Down for the night

Turning my comp off for the night. The server will be back up tomorrow morning. Night :D

Server Status: Dangerous :D

Guess what guys! MONSTERS ARE HERE! Have fun <:3

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Server Status: Back online!

The server is up now and here's a map for today. Is it just me or does Tom's base now look like a giant boob?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Server Status: Offline

The server will be down from 10:00pm until noon tomorrow afternoon.

Server Status: Good

Map for today woo

Reminder to the players: monsters are being turned on THIS Friday night. You guys only have 3 days left to prepare. :D

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Server Status: Lonely :(

Here is today's map. I know some of the stuff doesn't render like sandstone and lapis/diamond blocks, but I'm using the latest Cartograph version to make these. :/

There is some growing concern about the price of moss stone. Since we now have a dungeon map a few of you think the price will drop because we can find it easier, but I don't think it will be a problem. You still need to dig deep and try to find the dungeons which will take time.

Also, the price of cactus is expected to increase because there are currently 51 cacti in the map. Yes that's 51 blocks of cactus in the entire map, so I suggest investing wisely in growing more cactus.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Gold System

This is the way we've set up our Minecraft economy: 1 gold bar will buy __ amount of an item.

Listed below are items that can be purchased with gold:

Iron 9
Cobblestone 128
Smoothstone 64
Sand 64
Sandstone 16
Glass 32
Dirt 192
Log 32
Planks 128
Gravel 128
Coal 32
Lapus Lazuli 16
Lapus Lazuli Block 2
Animal Drop 64
Halfstone 128
Bricks 1
Diamond 2
M. Cobble 16
Obsidian 4
Redstone 64
Pumpkin 1
Tree Sapling 64
Flowers 32
Mushroom 16
Cacti 32
Sugarcane 32
General Seed 32
Wheat 8

Everything else is craftable, which the price is based on a sum of it's parts.

The First National Bank of Tony is now open for business. It can be located through the East gate of the spawn point right next to the Merchant Trade Post.

Server Status: Up and running

Today's map~

And for today only an overhead map showing the locations of all dungeons :D